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Ufulu 525

Digital IS for everyone


  • Press

  • TVC

  • OOH

  • Social Media






Re-position a digital banking product that allowed unbanked individuals to use a USSD service to self-register their mobile number to create a digital bank account and access basic banking services such as transferring funds, paying for bills etc.


The product was previously perceived as something that was not for the masses and alienated the intended target audience.


A multi-platform campaign lead by a well-known and liked local artist engaged as a brand ambassador for the product.



The brand ambassador, admired by many locals for his relatability to everyday Malawians and how they live, was featured in Print ads and a TVC starring, as the main character.

With the campaign proposition being “Osamangika” [don’t be restricted], he embodied people from all walks of life to show that Ufulu can be used by anyone.

The ambassador also created a jingle and music video that included other popular local artists to drive home the message, create talkability and brand relatability. The song and campaigned quickly gained popularity and lead to the highest growth in customer acquisition on the platform for the year.

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